Find out how your star sign can help you to deal with coronavirus shutdown


So, how are you coping with the coronavirus shutdown? This is new to everyone and we’re all muddling through as best we can. But perhaps your star sign can offer some clues to help you through.

To help us understand how we cope under these strange circumstances, Seer Sive has outlined the top strengths for each star sign. Discover the qualities that can help you through the weeks ahead according to our astrologist, plus the things you should avoid if you want to stay sane. Here’s how your astrological sign can guide you in navigating the challenges of the coronavirus shutdown.



Aries-born people are fearless leaders who rise to a challenge, and that’s the approach that will get you through the present circumstances. You’re also spontaneous and a bit wild at times, so you can certainly liven things up and take everyone’s mind off the news.  What you’ll get up to in the name of having the craic is anyone’s guess. And as you love a bit of competition, you won’t be averse to making things a bit interesting with the addition of league tables. What’s the point otherwise?


You hate rules and routines so things could begin to deteriorate if you start to feel hemmed in. Plus, you seem to be allergic to holding your tongue so you may eventually be murdered while you sleep by a family member you’ve pushed too far .

Avoid at all costs

Spending every waking moment with your shutdown household. You are fiercely independent and need lots of alone time to stay sane. Earphones will be your new best friend.

If you’re working from home

Ditch the routine and mix it up a bit. Soak up some afternoon rays in the garden while you work or go out for your daily exercise while brain-storming a new project.

Try Something New

Some of us learn a new skill for the joy of it but you’ll need a challenge. Try getting from one side of your kitchen to the other without touching the floor – like this guy.

person climbing in kitchen using climbing equipment



You’re so chilled and laid back that taking it all in your stride comes second nature to you.  Your calming presence makes you a great shutdown housemate. You’re independent, self-reliant and full of common sense – no crazy conspiracy theories will be entertained here. And with that great sense of humour, you’ll lighten the mood for everyone. Tough and resilient, you know you’ll come out the other side and life will carry on.


Although you’re not easily provoked, if someone does push your buttons they’ll know all about it. You take no prisoners. With your low boredom threshold, you really should keep busy; now’s the time to tackle all those jobs you put on the long finger. You need structure and stability, and will drive everyone crazy if you’re stressed, so find a routine that works and stick to it.

Avoid at all costs

Routine is your friend, avoid going all bohemian for more than a day or two.

If you’re working from home

You won’t compromise your standards and you expect the same from your colleagues.

Try Something New

Taureans need to be surrounded by beauty and like to reap what they sow. Gardening is perfect. Make a beautiful outdoor space for yourself and feel smug all summer long.




You’re the zodiac’s most adaptable sign so you’ve probably already taken to your new life like a duck to water. Your mind is always active and you’re not afraid to give in to your more random, unpredictable side so you’ll have no problem keeping things interesting. Communication is your thing – in fact, you’re probably too busy on social media to even read this.


In general, you try to avoid conflict so you won’t be attacking anyone for leaving their teabags on the draining board. However, you have no problem lashing out if you feel pushed into a corner so things could get a bit hairy at times. Repetition is problem for Geminis, do whatever you can to avoid that hamster on a wheel feeling.

Avoid at all costs

Complainers and criticizers – you have no patience for that carry on. Listening to them will make you want to stick putty in your ears.

If you’re working from home

By now you’re probably a dab hand at managing conference calls while whipping up a fancy gourmet meal and simultaneously fixing a selection of broken household items, so you don’t need any help. Try taking it easy for a change.

Try Something New

Meditation is a great way to settle a racing mind like yours.




You love being at home, so provided the atmosphere fits with your sensitive nature, this shutdown could even be enjoyable for you. You’re fairly chilled most of the time which makes you a peaceful, easy-going person to be around. You have a great imagination and an open mind, so thinking of ways to occupy your time won’t be a problem.


Communication can be hard for you if there’s conflict or bad vibes. You withdraw when you’re unhappy, which keeps you sane but drives other people round the twist because they think you’re being moody. If the rest of the household understands this about you – and gives you the time you need – you’ll be on the pig’s back.

Avoid at all costs

Social media. You like your privacy and hate pushy people so there’s nothing for you on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

If you’re working from home

As a lover of privacy, you won’t like conference calling from your home. Find a suitable corner that hides most of your sanctuary from your nosier co-workers.

Try Something New

Art. Just do it. Even if you’re just throwing paint at paper. It’s a great way to express yourself, plus you might discover a talent you didn’t know you had.

woman with painted face



Optimistic, creative, and lots of fun – you have great qualities to help you through the shutdown. Often described as larger than life, Leos really do light up the room, so the people you live with are lucky to have you. Just don’t keep pointing that out to them (yes, you’re also vain). Determined and focused, you’re great at taking charge and can lead by example when others find the going tough. Resist the urge to go full-blown sergeant major on the rest of the house though, they won’t thank you for it (even if you know it’s for their own good).


Just like your namesake, you can sometimes be self-indulgent and a bit lazy. Get off the sofa and help out around the house before you start a major diplomatic incident.

Avoid at all costs

You hate being ignored so being on the receiving end of the silent treatment will be hell for you. Do whatever you must to restore the mood when things go belly up.

If you’re working from home

You’re probably missing the social side of being at work but seriously – get off the phone and do some work.

Try Something New

Leo’s are natural performers. Start a karaoke or stand-up night in your sitting room and stream it to your friends.




You take a practical, no-nonsense approach to life and are great at finding workable solutions – excellent qualities for the present circumstances. As a do-er, you won’t sit around waiting for the shutdown to end; instead you’ll find ways to make it pleasant and tolerable. You’re big on kindness and modesty which should make for a nice vibe in the house. Plus, you’re future-focused so you’ll be able to think past the now and look forward to life after shutdown.


You could become carried away on a worry spiral if you’re not careful. Focus on the practical instead, that’s what you’re good at. What can you do to help? Volunteer to shop for a neighbour or walk their dog.

Avoid at all costs

Anyone trying to lecture to you or judge you drives you demented. Also stupidity. That rules out most of the internet. Ah well.

If you’re working from home

Try to remember that being organised isn’t as easy for everyone else as it is for you.

Try Something New

You’re great when it comes to details so try designing clothes, or build something from scratch using whatever junk you have lying around the house.




You excel at negotiation. In fact, you’re so persuasive you could talk a hardened criminal into going straight. This means that when the shutdown starts to drive people a bit mad, you’ll be able to keep everyone in line without them even realising it. You’re also relatively laid back, fair minded and forgiving. Plus, you can admit when you’re wrong, which is more than can be said for many other star signs (Aquarians & Capricorns take note). You’re an asset to any shutdown household.


You excel at managing people but it can be a bit exhausting. Make a point of putting yourself first sometimes otherwise you might wear yourself out. You can also be indecisive and liable to veer into self-pity at times, so catch yourself on.

Avoid at all costs

Selfish and inconsiderate people

If you’re working from home

You’re a few steps ahead of everyone else, so kick back and enjoy some down time.

Try Something New

Yoga. Or learn to play an instrument if you can lay your hands on one.




You’re incredibly resourceful, brave, and a great problem solver so you’re well able to overcome whatever problems come your way. Since you form deep connections with your friends and family, spending lots of time with people you care about will be rather enjoyable for you. Clever and focused, you don’t get caught up in drama. And if anyone dares to get on your nerves, you have a killer stare that will instantly put them in their place.


You’re very suspicious, so spending lots of time at home could turn you into a nosy neighbour. Your short fuse is the stuff of legend. And as if that wasn’t enough, you’re prone to extreme mood swings. Since you’re also incredibly secretive, the rest of the household won’t have a clue why you’re suddenly happy as Larry / down in the dumps when you were fine ten minutes ago.

Avoid at all costs

Being pressed to reveal more personal information than you’re comfortable with. Zoom nights in may not be your cup of tea.

If you’re working from home

You’re attacking problems with the same can-do attitude you always have. Who cares where you work, as long as it gets done.

Try Something New

Anything that engages the senses is great for Scorpions. Learn to cook – properly, no jars of Dolmio. Or discover new music, classical could be interesting.

frying pan with ingredients laid out beside it




An optimist with a great sense of humour and a spontaneous fun-loving attitude, you certainly have a few tricks up your sleeve to get you through. You’re creative and generous, plus you don’t buy into petty drama so you won’t lose your reason when you find an empty milk carton in the fridge. However, if someone does manage to get on your nerves, you’ll get over it quickly and won’t hold a grudge.


Your restlessness and impatience could drive everyone round the bend – including you. Your tendency to say anything, regardless of consequences, won’t make life easier. Practice holding your tongue, just for the craic. Your love of proving people wrong could start a small war, so just let it go for once.

Avoid at all costs

Covid-19 conspiracy theories will drive you round the bend.

If you’re working from home

You’re happiest working on your own terms so this could be a real silver lining for you.

Try Something New

Life’s big questions hold enormous appeal for you. Check out YouTube for videos about philosophy or get into TED talks.




You’re responsible and disciplined with great self-control. Plus you’re resilient, resourceful and patient. In fact, you’re practically made for a situation like this.  And your love for finding the truth means you won’t jump to conclusions about who ate the last chocolate Kimberley. But you’re not all about crisis management; you also have a wacky, fun side  that you tend to keep hidden. Let it loose, god knows there’s not much else to keep us occupied right now.


You can sometimes be a bit of a pessimist and know-all. This is bound to wind the rest of the household up no matter how much  they love you. You don’t forgive or forget and tend to lash out verbally when you’re angry. Plus, you have been known to overthink things every now and then.

Avoid at all costs

Letting others in the house take you for granted. It just won’t wash.

If you’re working from home

You’re the super efficient type who makes everyone else look bad. Have a day off.

Try Something New

Learn a new craft. Or get yourself a star-gazing app and spend your evenings looking up.

silhouette of person looking up at starry sky



You embrace change, so while everyone else is still in the adjustment phase, you’ve hit the ground running. You’re an independent thinker and a free spirit who will figure out your own way through it all. A great listener with lots of time for people, you’ll readily provide a shoulder for anyone who needs it. Eccentric, unpredictable and innovative with the drive to make your dreams happen, you’ll probably invent something amazing during the shutdown and make your fortune when it’s all over.


You can sometimes be cold and aloof, bottling things up until you explode. Plus you have a tendency towards over-thinking. Your difficulty with compromise might get you into trouble with the rest of the household.

Avoid at all costs

Boredom. Do something. Anything.

If you’re working from home

You’re so used to going your own way that you’re in danger of going over the top with this new freedom. Try to conform a little.

Try Something New

Volunteer. Or find a worthy cause that you can fight for online.




We don’t want to give you a big head, but you’re the Carlsberg of star signs when it comes to ideal shutdown buddies. You’re a wise and gentle spirit, full of compassion. Highly intuitive, you can read people so well that you’ll know their moods before they do. You have a huge heart, get along well with most people and bring out the best in others. It’s no secret that you’re extremely artistic and creative, so you’re probably using this time to paint a masterpiece or write a work of genius. We wouldn’t expect anything less.


You’re sensitive and feel things deeply, so this could be a difficult time for you emotionally. When things get tough, you’re tempted to escape reality. While that’s understandable and quite healthy in moderation, try to do it in a way that ensures you won’t be dragging harmful habits into your post-shutdown life.

Avoid at all costs

Know-alls and critical people. Dwelling on the past.

If you’re working from home

Staying focused will be difficult. Really difficult.

Try Something New

Visual media. Make a YouTube video about something you love, travel the world,  or learn how to use Photoshop.

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