The Garden Room – Top 5 Ways to Increase Your House Value


The garden room has boomed. Why? Because homeowners have been using the lockdown to make their homes into the palaces they always dreamed of. Here are some ideas to increase the value of your home, and make it gorgeous for your own use.

Garden Room Art Studio

The Garden Room is a trendy new offering, designed and manufactured by from a company called Drumlargan Construction. This gorgeous little beauty is designed and hand-built in Ireland. What we love about the garden studio is that you can use them all year round. Open them up in summer and sit under its attractive overhang roof and veranda. You can take in the smell of flowers and absorb the natural light. And in winter, because it is double-glazed, you can warm it up in a jiffy and still look out over the greenery and get your nature-loading for the day. And of course, you can paint for Ireland, compose that song, write that novel, or just hide away from the world. We love it!

The Garden Room - Top 5 Ways to Increase Your House Value

The Garden Room -one of the top ways to increase your house value

Guest Room

When we can finally have friends and family over again, the Garden Room makes the perfect guest room. The pods can be put in any corner of the garden. The guests will have their own bathroom away from the main part of the house. Which means less embarrassing crossing-of-paths at 3am for the nighty toilet break.

So next time your friends are over for dinner and everyone has way too much wine, then you can bust open the gorgeous guest pod and everyone is comfortable and happy.

The Garden Room -one of the top ways to increase your house value

Garden Room Gym

Now that Covid has messed up our gym schedules, how about a home gym that faces your garden? You can work out in the privacy of your own home while you watch the birds play but also peck each other. Just put a Garden Room out the back and your workout is set. You can wear the daggiest workout gear that is known to man and no one will care! And you don’t have to worry about other people sweating on the equipment or getting some kind of foot scurvy in a shared bathroom. You could also install a TV in front of your gym equipment and watch your favourite shows, rather than the gym choosing the show for you. Yes! Don’t mind if I do.


Let’s face it, our kids are all playing online games with each other. Some kids are even yelling out for an hour at a time as they get way too overexcited about a pillager raid starting. So let’s take that whole bunch of noise and take it far, far away. As far away as the other side of the garden, in the games pod. This Garden Room could also include board games, a poker table, pinball machines or a pool table. Good family times to be had! Nice!

Home Office

The Garden Room office will add value to your current property as a significant proportion of the population would now prefer to work from home – at least for some of the week, anyway. This way, if the kids are home, you can retreat away from the divilish noise. Your zoom calls won’t sound like you live in a madhouse. And at the end of the day, you can walk away from the pod and not be tempted to keep going back to those emails when you should be relaxing.

The Garden Room -one of the top ways to increase your house value

The structure withstands the Irish weather, it has a long life, and looks beautiful. The timber is a sustainable, renewable material with high insulation values. The pods have a fully finished interior.

The Garden Room -one of the top ways to increase your house value

Good luck! And may the lifestyle odds forever be in your favour.

Here is a gallery of other things Drumlargan Construction do.

If you like these garden rooms, you can buy one here. 

Now, all you need is a nice glass of something unusual in your new garden room.
