Aries Horoscope for this week
16th February to 23 February
It’s a week of significant changes. Last month’s intensity was partly due to Jupiter and Saturn transiting your sign. Now that they have moved into Aquarius, your focus shifts to exploring novel ideas and finding new paths in life. Saturday and Sunday are likely to be times of sudden change – not all of which will be welcome. This could bring tension, but if your legendary patience remains intact, you may be able to make some lemonade from the lemons that are thrown your way.
LOVE AND ROMANCE: Love seems set to bring ups and downs your way, but the week begins and ends on a loved-up note, thanks to Venus paying a visit to your sign this week. Relationships may challenge you over the next few months, even to the point of make-or-break time. If you can find a way through this rough patch, your relationship will be stronger for it. Singles should focus on figuring out what they want in love; it will only become attainable once you have a definite want-list.
WORK AND CAREER: Your ruling planet transits Aquarius for the entire month, combining the structure and order of Saturn with analytical, free-thinking energy. Under this influence, your career can move on in ways you have only dreamed of until now. You will have the best of both worlds at your disposal – hard-working discipline and creative genius. You will be noticed by people who matter this year.
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Aries horoscope: Aries is the first astrological sign in the zodiac, spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude, and originates from the constellation of the same name. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign from approximately March 20 to April 21 each year. Have a good week, Aries!