Pisces Horoscope by Seer Sive for Old Moore’s Almanac

Pisces horoscope: Seer Sive does her predictions for this week


PISCES (Feb 19- Mar 20)

1st December to 7th December

This is a month to stay composed, but you know this already. When trouble hits the fan just stay calm and carry on. Once you lose it, it will all go wrong. You may need to take two holidays this year just to get away from it all.

For singles: Several movements in planetary alignments suggests the past coming back soon. There will be good and bad that comes with this. Don’t make any impulsive decisions; just let things unfold slowly so you have all the information you need. Only trust that person if their actions equal their words.

For couples: Don’t overcommit yourself to things outside your relationship. You may need to pare back a few activities and commitments and your lover needs a little more attention than you are giving.


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Pisces are considered to be compassionate, romantic, and creative. They are also known for their intuition and sensitivity. Pisces often have a strong connection to the spiritual world.

As a Pisces, you may find yourself being extra sensitive to the needs of others, so make sure to give yourself some time to recharge.
