
Get a personalised insight into your relationships

Based on the date and time of birth if available (but not necessary) of two people we create exact astrological profiles for these two people at the times you were born. With this information we give you a detailed written profile of between 20-35 pages, looking at how the planets influence both people in relation to each other. This profile is written by some of the world’s leading astrologers and is compiled by Irish astrologer Julian de Burgh of Old Moore’s Almanac.

Available by email only in PDF format and sent within 24 hours of ordering.

Time of birth:

Please use local time (as displayed on the clock). If you don’t know your time of birth, don’t guess. Though slightly shorter in length a Flat Chart (without time of birth) is more accurate than one where the time of birth is out by more than one hour.

Price €35.00           Now €26.25


Information we need from you…


eg: 14:45


Information we need about your partner…


eg: 14:45

*required fields
