Capricorn and Aries
This is a combination of opposites, with the Aries being restless, fiery and impulsive, while the Capricorn is ordered and patient, liking everything to be done in a certain sequence. In the beginning the Capricorn finds the Aries’ outgoing nature exciting and attractive, prepared to take chances the Capricorn would never dream of taking. These two signs have a strong desire to dominate, but in very different ways. The Aries is out front leading the charge, and will probably succeed by having the courage to try, while the Capricorn is back in the war office, planning and plotting how to best use the troops. At the end of the day the Capricorn will not be able to keep up with the Aries dynamic and impulsive nature
Capricorn and Taurus
This can be a good match. They are both earth signs, they have copious quantities of passions that are straightforward and uncomplicated. They even have a mutual desire for success and material things. With responsible and practical natures, they quickly fall in line with common goals and desires for the future. In the beginning the Capricorn may seem a bit cold, but the Taurus-Venus rays will quickly melt the seemingly cold exterior of the Capricorn. Capricorn is a bit more secretive than Taurus would like, but all the same Capricorn’s loyalty makes Taurus feel secure, this relationship looks more than promising for the long term.
Capricorn and Gemini
If this relationship works, it will be for all the wrong reasons. The Saturn-ruled, settled, secure Capricorn will be at odds with the Mercury-ruled Gemini’s anything-goes attitude. At the first sign of the Gemini moving into his or her flirtatious mode, the conventional, steady, conservative Capricorn will quickly stamp their feet on the ground and demand that the Gemini behave themself. The Capricorn’s ability and need to keep accounts and manage the finances will drive the Gemini to distraction, while equally The Gemini’s total lack of concern will frustrate the cautious Capricorn. Unfortunately not a match made in Heaven.
Capricorn and Cancer
This devoted duo are opposites in Zodiac terms, and opposites do attract. Capricorn’s logical and cautious attitude is a natural attraction for the homely maternal Cancer. Both have a deep desire for security, where the ambitious Capricorn needs a secure home base to work from and a non-threatening partner to provide for. The Capricorn on the other hand is what Cancer needs; they need nothing more than to have a sense of purpose and someone to cluck over. The mother hen Cancer (male or female) will be happiest being back at base looking after the brood while the Capricorn will enjoy being out there providing.
Capricorn and Leo
As you can imagine when you mix a self-disciplined goat and a fiery outgoing Lion, it will probably be scorched earth all they way. The Capricorn will have great difficulty in dealing with the Lion’s complete lack of self-discipline. As a business relationship this would be one of the most successful ever, that is if the flamboyant lion was the sales representative and the Capricorn was back at base keeping the accounts. To make this a successful loving relationship, the Capricorn will probably have to make majority of the sacrifices. Their underlying fear of being rejected holds them from letting go and throwing caution to the wind. The Capricorn’s insecure nature needs constant reassurance, and while the Leo will be more than attentive, the outgoing nature of the lion will undermine every word of reassurance.
Capricorn and Virgo
Here we have all the ingredients for a successful and happy relationship, Capricorn’s ambition and drive for success blends well with Virgo’s intellectual and clear-minded vision of how a relationship should operate. Both are prepared to work hard for a common purpose, and are very like-minded in their perspective of how money should be spent, and that is with caution. Both are disciplined and take great pride and pleasure in achieving their goals. On an intuitive level they understand each other more than they would ever recognise, and generally understand and seldom cross agreed boundaries.
Capricorn and Libra
This duo will spend a lot of time talking, listening, and challenging each other on all intellectual levels. The combination of intellectual and artistic interests is compatible, but that’s probably as far as it goes. Libra is drawn to the ambitious materialistic Capricorn’s strong need for security, yet on the other hand the Libra will not want to play any part of that game. The outgoing, easygoing Libra being a spender will not want to answer for every penny spent. Both are fun-loving and love to socialise, yet there are times when the Capricorn will want to be alone, while the Libra will be out there parting the night away.
Capricorn and Scorpio
The Scorpio’s powerful passions find a welcome home with the secure loving Capricorn, this duo will click and find a common bond almost immediately. Both will respect each others sense of purpose, even to the point of the Capricorn finding the Scorpio’s jealously and insecurity reassuring. Both are domestic creatures who prefer the comfort and safety of their own home. Even though the Scorpio is a passionate creature, they tend not to stray once they find that special relationship become very settled, and Capricorn feels secure enough to let go within the relationship. Both will be hardworking, loyal, and affectionate.
Capricorn and Capricorn
Capricorns by their very nature evaluate everything in material or financial value terms, including relationships, love and emotions. So no one can understand a Capricorn more than another Capricorn, however this earthy combination can be so cautious and responsible that the relationship moves at such a slow pace, it is nearly in reverse. Their business-type approach and emotional detachment may wipe out all the signs of warmth or compatibility from this zodiac match.
Capricorn and Aquarius
These two air signs are rational and intellectual. There is an immediate meeting of minds. Both have warm natures, the Aquarius is progressive and adventurous. The cautious Capricorn requires a constant presence in their relationship, of which the Aquarius is unlikely to be able to fulfil. The Capricorn finds it difficult to understand the outgoing nature of the Aquarius; the Capricorn feels it is a lack of concern for important things in life such as security and money and saving for a rainy day. While the humanitarian Aquarius will be looking much further afield and be less concerned about what is happening on the home front, the Capricorn is only concerned about having enough money to pay the bills.
Capricorn and Pisces
The Capricorn-Pisces couple mesh well right from the beginning. They provide each other with the stability and security required to make a solid relationship. The Capricorn will understand the emotional depth of the Pisces. They will give support to a certain level before snapping the Pisces out of their gloom with a good dose of reality. Both the male and female Pisces will feel comfortable and secure in having such a practical and organised mate. The passionate Pisces will encourage the cooler Capricorn to become a little more risqué. Romance and love for this couple will blossom once communication is open and honest.