Dublin Mudslide Ice Cream Flavour Is Resurrected from the Dead


Dublin Mudslide: Ben & Jerry’s receives several thousand requests each year to bring back beloved flavours from the Flavour Graveyard. Today one of Ben & Jerry’s most-loved former flavours, Dublin Mudslide, is back with a new spirit!

Dublin Mudslide has returned from the great beyond with a flavour that is beyond great: Irish cream ice cream with chocolate chip cookies and coffee fudge swirls.

Dublin Mudslide was sent to the Flavour Graveyard in 2007, despite the fan passion for it. There’s a Facebook page account dedicated to its revival, and thousands of fans have petitioned to bring it back.

The Flavor Graveyard is full of the dearly de-pinted. That’s ice cream that was once somebody’s favourite but failed to attract a large following.

The gravestones are made of real granite because the resin ones kept disappearing. Situated on a peaceful hill overlooking the company’s factory in Waterbury, it’s Vermont’s most-visited tourist site when there isn’t a pandemic.

Dublin mudslide

Dublin Mudslide: What’s New

This time around, the flavour includes a twist of booze. Yay!

The dash of the good stuff comes from an award-winning spirit made from whey, the nutrient-rich liquid left from making cheese. Wheyward Spirit has been described as what would happen if sake had a baby with vodka. The spirit company’s focus on environmental sustainability and local dairy farms makes it a natural, values-led sourcing partner for Ben & Jerry’s. 130 billion pounds of whey becomes food waste every year, putting a strain on the food system. Food waste also contributes to rising greenhouse gas emissions.

“Aside from being uniquely delicious, using excess whey as the base for our spirit helps us prevent food waste and creates a more sustainable model of spirit production,” said Emily Darchuk, Founder and CEO of Wheyward Spirit. “I am thrilled to partner with Ben & Jerry’s to bring back a fan favorite with the same taste and less waste.”

The Original

The original Dublin Mudslide was introduced as a Limited Batch way back in 2004. It soon became a fan favorite and full-time flavour. Just as quickly (in 2007), it was sent to the Flavor Graveyard where fans have paid their respects ever since. The updated flavour now features Ben & Jerry’s well-known cow holding tails with a certain long-haired Scottish Highland named Magnificent, Wheyward Spirit’s mascot. It’s the first time the Ben & Jerry’s bovine has shared space with another cow on the pint.

Dublin Mudslide has already been spotted in supermarket freezers across the country at a suggested retail price of USD$5.19-5.99.

Ben & Jerry’s Flavor Graveyard is one of Vermont’s most popular tourist sites. About 350,000 people visit the dearly “de-pinted” in an average year.

Dublin Mudslide is an other-worldly combination of Irish cream ice cream with chocolate chip cookies and coffee fudge swirls.

The original Dublin Mudslide was introduced as a Limited Batch in 2004 and was sent to the Flavor Graveyard three years later.

Wheyward Spirit founder, owner and CEO Emily Darchuk is a food scientist. She is part of a new generation of women revolutionizing the male-dominated wine and spirits industry.


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