Dick Bauf: Irish Child Forced to Execute his Parents


Dick Bauf: Irish Writer Rob Buchanan digs into the Irish history archives to share one of the most strange and cruel stories from our history.

Dick Bauf

Young Dick Bauf is probably one of the most tragic Dubliners ever. He was only 12 years old when he and his parents were convicted of theft and murder in 1682. As bad as their crimes were the decision of the judge was outright evil. The child would be allowed go free if he agreed to…… EXECUTE HIS OWN PARENTS!

These incredibly sadistic terms were accepted by his parents who said they’d rather their son hang them and live, than all 3 of them die anyway by a strangers hand. Unsurprisingly the horror of committing this act traumatised the youth.

Dick Bauf and the Underworld

Having orphaned himself he became a pariah throughout Dublin. He fell further into the city’s criminal underworld. First returning to pickpocketing, then he became a desperate highwayman, living as an outlaw in forests and lonely places murdering anyone who stood in his way.

Dick Bauf

He joined a gang of “Grumeis”, named after the young boys on ships who were used to climb the masts like nimble cats (known as grumeis). These acrobatic cat burglars used grappling hooks and rope ladders to break into the gaffs of Dublin’s wealthy.

After a few hairy narrow escapes, including having one of his hands almost burned off, the law eventually caught up with the cursed youngfella.

Dick Bauf was arrested and hanged in the notorious Newgate prison in Dublin on May 15, 1702 aged 29.

Dick Bauf

Buy the Almanac here. 

Author bio:

Rob Buchanan was one of the winners of 2015 Poetry Ireland Introductions series. His debut poetry collection “The Cost of Living” sold out. Rob has won national and international awards for his writing, and has been published in a number of poetry journals and magazines including The Stinging Fly, Flare, Live Encounters and Pendemic.



Blog: http://theloosecannonbuchanan.tumblr.com/

Facebook: facebook.com/rob.l.buchanan

I Know This Much Is True: Rob Buchanan

