Guinness vs Europe: Today in Ireland we sure do see a lot of alcopops and stupidly-coloured cocktails being consumed in Irish pubs. But actually, the biggest-selling…
Guinness vs Europe: Today in Ireland we sure do see a lot of alcopops and stupidly-coloured cocktails being consumed in Irish pubs. But actually, the biggest-selling…
Old castles never stop fascinating humans. Looking for something to do? How about a wildly romantic renovation project? It may make you poor and stressed, but…
Montserrat: The weirdest St Patrick’s Day celebration has to be the one that takes place on the small Caribbean island of Montserrat. It lasts more than…
These are green but not in the good way. In fact, they may kill you in large amounts. But hey, who cares? It’s Paddy’s Day. Green…
Irish in Japan: St Patrick’s Day celebrations in Japan are growing every year. And this is because Irish people have had an incredible influence on Japan…